作者:Nico Medina 书名:Who Was Helen Keller?《海伦·凯勒是谁?》 简介:At age two, Helen Keller became deaf and blind. She lived in a world of silence and darkness and she spent the rest of her life struggling to break through it. With the help of teacher Annie Sullivan, Helen learned t...
124.Who Was Helen Keller? 1182020-04 5 125.Who Was Helen Keller? 1222020-04 6 126.Who Was Helen Keller? 1502020-04 7 127.Who Was Helen Keller? 1152020-04 8 128.Who Was Helen Keller? 1132020-04 9 129.Who Was Helen Keller? 1162020-04 10 130.Who Was Helen Keller? 982020-04 查看更...
英文原版 谁是海伦·凯勒?Who Was Helen Keller? 中小学生读物 Who Was/Is 系列 进口原版 人物传记 作者:暂无作者信息出版社:暂无出版社信息出版时间:2003年08月 114条评论 当当价 降价通知 ¥30.00 领券 188减20 288减30 200减30 300减50 299减30 499减50 999减100 199减20 88减10 ...
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Helen Keller--who?(Guest editorial)Copp, Jay
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知音博雅英语请用大屏电脑读大字。 Who Was Helen Keller 海伦·凯勒 Born more than 100 years ago, Helen learned to speak and read and write. Those may not sound like greataccomplishments. But Helen Keller was both deaf and blind. Imagine that your ears are stuffed with cotton. You can’t ...
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