Had circumstances been different and the war really had waged on so long; soldiers and people from both sides of the fight would have respected him for his courage and dedication. In that respect he was more of a hero. However, the world...
Who fought in the Peninsular War? Who won the Shifta War? Who won the Cisplatine War? Who won the Tuscarora War? Who won the Samnite Wars? Who won the Six-Day War? What was the Seven Years' War? Who was involved in this war and what were they fighting over?
France and Great Britain declared war on Germany. In the summer of 1941, Germany turned its attention to the East and invaded the Soviet Union. At this point the United States was neutral, but that would change following the surprise Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Hawaii in December of 194...
During the World War II Battle of Britain, the German Luftwaffe (air force) led an aerial offensive against Great Britain with the goal of preparing it for a ground invasion. However, the Royal Air Force (RAF) managed to thwart their efforts....
Clara indulges The Doctor’s disagreeable behavior, aware that fighting against it would be a fruitless task, while Danny stands for none of it. And the looks of exasperation and disappointment on her face are wonderful. Jenna Coleman is more than Capaldi’s equal in the acting stakes once ...
press release of the takeover, the cable giant announced that Jeff Zucker, a Jew, was appointed the CEO of NBC Universal, of which, Comcast is now in charge. View Entire StoryIn Comcast’s Here, Here & Here.The owner of Comcast is the Jew, Brian Roberts, whose supporting staff ...
In the event column, I had written a description of the person – so, for Cranmer, I wrote ‘Archbishop of Canterbury under three monarchs’ and, thus, a few students wrote this fact in against Cranmer in the question above (and one against Wolsey, smh). This was minorly useful to me...
My last post on Heavenali was in mid June, and at the beginning of July I stopped reading other blog posts and announced on social media that I would be taking a break. Although I didn’t put a time scale on it – I had the vague idea of coming back at the end of August/beginni...
The firm was AMAZED that the CO State wrote to me and said, “Obviously, a complaint was filed against The Foundation from an outside party.” I now had to fill out a 10 Page Form to COMPLY with some technicality which the Jews pulled out of their hat. So…. I have been VERY BUSY...
The Cristero War, also known as the Cristero Rebellion, was a skirmish in Mexico. This war took place in the period from 1926 to 1929. This war was a struggle between the church and the state. Introduction to the war was the new constitution of Mexico from 1917, which discriminated ...