Who is known for his contributions to mathematics in ancient Greece? A. Euclid B. Archimedes C. Pythagoras D. Plato 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 A。欧几里得以在古希腊对数学的贡献闻名。阿基米德主要是物理学家和数学家。毕达哥拉斯在数学方面也有贡献但主要是毕达哥拉斯定理。柏拉图是哲学家。
We could consider other ancient Greeks as well, such as Euclid (the father of geometry) or Ptolemy (the misguided astronomer who put Earth at the center of the cosmos). But all of these men, although great thinkers, relied on making arguments instead of running experiments to prove or dispr...
From the surrounding persons that look like students it is more likely that Euclid is shown as I do not know that Archimedes was also a teacher like Euclid. 17, 24, 22, 18 some say represent the four stages of learning: 17 is intent but at the level of literal learning, and 24, ...