Do you know me? Erik Erikson became a culture hero by studying the self in its many guises. But who was he?Leston Havens
One example is Andrea Yates. She was enduring psychosis which caused her to kill her young children in the early 2000s. There is debate over whether...
Like most biographers, Perry has been influenced by psychoanalyst Erik Erikson, and though “A Life of the Man Who Changed Black America” is no Young Man Malcolm in the sense that it tries to interpret Malcolm’s life on the basis of one pivotal event in his early manhood, it does focus...
Who Was Erik Erikson? Discussion Comments Bytjpep1986— On Mar 22, 2014 Kazantzakis was not an atheist, nor has he ever proclaimed to be. On the contrary, he has produced mountains of literature basically stating that his who life purpose was to save his soul with words. His life was sp...