This "sister" site was originally created in 2008 by the publisher, Marquis Who's Who® LLC. to promote is directory: Who's Who in American Art. Who's Who was celebrating 110 years of publishing their venerable Who's Who books. As reference needs and audiences grew and diversified, Who...
in modern French the termmitrailleusemeans “machine gun” – it is more properly classified as avolley gunthan a proper machine gun since the ammunition is loaded manually rather than automatically. Much closer to the modern definition was theGatling gun,patented by American inventor...
Raffaello Sanzio was born on April 6, 1483, in Urbino, Italy. He began his artistic career in Urbino as an apprentice to his father, Giovanni Santi, who was a court painter. In 1499, at the age of 17, he moved to Florence to study the works of other Renaissance masters, including Le...
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, wife of the British ambassador, had observed that smallpox was rendered ‘harmless by the invention of engrafting’ and in April 1717 wrote
Q: I recall various statues in Berlin, Hungary, and elsewhere in Europe of a military leader known as “the General of Europe.” I also remember a world history course that I took many years ago that discussed “the General of Europe.” Who was he? I think he may have been Prussian,...
Free Essay: “Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection,” Mark Twain. Huckleberry Finn was a character who continuously improved morally...
Waldemar Hoven (10 February 1903 – 2 June 1948) was a Nazi and a physician at Buchenwald concentration camp.Hoven was born in Freiburg, Baden, Germany. Between the years 1919 and 1933, he visited Denmark, Sweden, the United States, and France, returning in 1933 to Freiburg, where he com...
Beijing was purposively selected for it has a large influx of MSM every year [35,36,37,38]. Study design We constructed an open cohort of MSM since June 2017; inviting visitors to Blued, a gay GSN app with 40 million users worldwide, to participate in the cohort. After completing an ...
Benjamin Huntsman, (born June 4, 1704, Lincolnshire, Eng. —died June 20, 1776, Attercliffe, Yorkshire), Englishman who invented crucible, or cast, steel, which was more uniform in composition and freer from impurities than any steel previously produced. ...
Our study has several important limitations that could be kept in mind when inferring about other local contexts. First, this research was undertaken in China where there are limits on the extent to which organizations can be formally registered as an NGO and few domestic foundations exist to ass...