Once upon a time, there lived a lovely girl named Helen who was the daughter of Zeus. Before Trojan War, Helen was married to the King of Sparta. It was not until the day when Paris broke into Helen's life that the peaceful atmosphere was broken. One day, Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite...
channel launched Married to Jonas, a reality show focused on Kevin and his wife Danielle. The show ran two seasons and wound up documenting the brothers' final world tour. Unspecified differences between the brother sprung up afterward, and in 2013 the three split up for good...
And it can't be Ares because Zeus was married first married to Athena mother and when he found out that their next child would take his place, Zeus eat her! And Athena was born in his stomach way before Zeus married Hera and they had children. So, Zeus oldest child isAthena. Who is...
Jupiter was a Roman god in Roman mythology. His counterpart in Greek mythology is Zeus. Jupiter was the King of the gods and he was married to Juno, who was the Queen of the gods and the goddess of marriage and childbirth.Answer and Explanation: ...
Known as "The face that launched a thousand ships," Helen of Troy is considered one the most beautiful women in all literature. She was married to Menelaus, king of Sparta.Paris, son of King Priam of Troy, fell in love with Helen and abducted her, taking her back to Troy. ...
Additionally, she was also a part of numerous environmental campaigns. In her personal life, she was married to actor John Travolta, with whom she shared three children. Two years after she had been diagnosed with breast cancer, Preston died at the age of 57 at her home in Clearwater, ...
fathers were succeeded by sons. However, the line of kingship was often disturbed by murder or mysterious disappearance as families fought for control of the throne. To protect against usurpation of the throne, pharaohs often married within the family, having children with daughters and granddaughter...
Thetis is the mother of Achilles, one of the heroes on the Greek side of the Trojan War. She was a Nereid, a type of water goddess. Thetis married a... Learn more about this topic: Role of the Gods in The Iliad from Chapter 9/ Lesson 47 ...
Who was Pandora’s husband? Pandora was married to Epimetheus, the brother of Prometheus. Despite warnings from Prometheus to avoid gifts from Zeus, Epimetheus accepted Pandora as his bride, setting the events of her myth into motion. What does the story of Pandora explain about Greek beliefs?
The sea-nymph has become the goddess of the sea waves, and she was married to Enos. Herophile Despite many claims that Rhode is the daughter of Poseidon and Aphrodite, Poseidon bore Herophile through Aphrodite. Their affair was short-lived, which happened after the goddess of love was caught...