Jesus was put to death by the Romans. Buthe was far from the only person who perished on the cross. ... However, given that crucifixion was seen as an extremely shameful way to die, Rome tended not to crucify its own citizens.
Who was Jesus's first apostle? Who sculpted the Bronze David? Who was the first prophetess in the Bible? Was Paul at the Last Supper? What did Jesus drink at the Last Supper? Was Mary at the Last Supper? Who wrote the last book of the Old Testament?
Santiago’s intimate proximity to such events imbued him with a unique perspective within the community of the twelve apostles. James and John: The Sons of Thunder The dynamic duo of James and John was central to carrying Jesus’s message forward. Their boldness resonated within the early ...
He spent 14 years on death row before he was executed by lethal injection at San Quentin State Prison on February 23, 1996.Bonin became known as the "Freeway Killer" due to the fact that the majority of his victims' bodies were discovered alongside numerous freeways in southern California. ...
John exemplified the very definition of courage. In John 19:26, we find “the disciple who He (Jesus) loved...” standing at the cross with Mary and the other women. John was standing close enough to the cross for Jesus to speak to him and the women. Imagine the horror and ...
In Christianity, the Holy Spirit is considered the third person of the Holy Trinity, along with God the Father and God the Son (Jesus Christ). The Holy Trinity is the Christian understanding of the nature of God as three distinct persons in one divine essence. "But the Helper, the Holy ...
In the beginning the Word [Jesus] already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God. He existed in the beginning with God. God created everything through him, and nothing was created except through him. The Word gave life to everything that was created, ...
Who was at the Last Supper?The Last SupperAccording to the Bible, the last supper is the meal that Jesus shared with his disciples before he was crucified. The meal was on the first day of Passover in Jerusalem.Answer and Explanation: ...
He was not one of the 12 Apostles but he was a disciple of Jesus who was right at the heart of the events which surrounded the explosion of the Good News of Jesus and it was he who first put into writing the eye witness accounts of the life and times of Jesus. His writing about ...
It’s part of pop culture, too. Dan Brown made millions off his interpretation of the Holy Grail in the “Da Vinci Code,” in which he posited that the grail was not in fact an object, but a secret – that Jesus Christ had fathered children with Mary Magdalen. And who can forget ...