Who Walked on Water besides Jesus? 'Peterwas the other man who walked on water with Jesus! Peter did the impossible when he completely relied on Jesus to enable him. But as soon as Peter took his eyes of faith off Jesus and focused on the storm around him, he immediately lost faith an...
Without enough water, your body will shut down. Spiritually, the same is true in ministry. Staying connected to the Living Water—Jesus—is not optional. If we neglect our time with God, we will find ourselves spiritually dehydrated, running on empty. Regular time in Scripture, prayer, and ...
Together, they help a church become a place of love, which starts a big movement called the Jesus Revolution. You will love exploring the impact of the Jesus movement in the United States during the 1960‘s and 1970’s, chronicling the spiritual awakening that swept across the nation. The ...
1-2 Dear friend who loves God:In my first letter I told you about Jesus’ life and teachings and how he returned to heaven after giving his chosen
” Mark 9:9. That incredible mountaintop event must have been life changing, and they were probably in spiritual shock, even more so than when Christ calmed the storm or walked on water. They might have even been glowing with the lingering residue of light still dissipating from their faces...
The Old Testament prophet, Hosea, speaks of Ephraim as being“oppressed and broken in judgment, because he willingly walked after the commandment.”We are left to speculate what “commandment” the house of Ephraim willingly followed, but it was clearly a false commandment that falls into the ca...
Praise God that we have Jesus, who has walked in singleness; he was tempted in every way, yet he never succumbed. So draw near to im in repentance and faith, and receive mercy and find grace to help in your time of trouble. Really, It’s Okay To Be Single. Usually I wouldn’t ...
As if things couldn’t possibly get any better, as the hill descends the chalk path turns into a stream, and with the grass bank too slippery to walk on anymore, we are forced to walk a considerable stretch of it in ankle deep water. Splendid. Finally, as Swatty, Rob and I reach...
To evaluateMercy Walked Inwith God’s word yields very disturbing findings, especially when one realizes that multitudes of souls have been exposed to such dangerous lyrics.The one and onlyplan of salvation(the gospel), which yields life-giving results, salvation mercy and forgiveness of sins, in...
Quayle said he went swimming to collect water for his daughter’s baptism — the Sea of Galilee is where Christians believe Jesus walked on water. Meanwhile, Rep. Tom Reed (R-N.Y.), who jumped in the water with his wife, told a local television station there was no FBI investigation...