This film is deeply personal to us as it explores the intersection of race and horror, a genre that has often overlooked the voices and stories of marginalized communities. By confronting these themes, we aim to shed light on the unique fears and struggles that arise from racial tensions and...
VIVA VOCE Kevin and Anita Robinson, a husband-and-wife duo from Portland, make intricate music with instruments that include kazoos, saws, and the subdued harmony of their own pretty voices. Even the WB has succumbed to the allure of these modern rockers, recently featuring their music on the...
“The Ladybug’s Picnic” (Number 12), “Penny Candy Man,”“That’s About the Size,”“The Old Woman Who Lived in a Nine” and a series of jingles by Donnie Budd, a hillbilly fiddler, performed by Luckey.
Queer, POC, and underrepresented voices in Media & Film An independant cast and crew, who have already put hundreds of hours writing and producing this film The ability to submit this film to festivals, all with the potential of premiering, and having your name on it! Other Ways You Can ...