878). See Annex 2, Guidelines for the production and control of the acellular pertussis component of monovalent or combined vaccines, pp. 57-76. (Also available from http://www.who.int/biologicals/publications/trs/areas/vaccines/acellular_pertussis/WHO_TRS_878_A2.pdf.) 27 Mooi FR et al. P...
WHO TRS 1044 Annex5 药用气体良好生产规范good manufacturing practices for medicinal gases(中英文) 下载积分: 1000 内容提示: 本文件翻译部分来源于翻译软件或网络,不保证原文及翻译的准确性及完整性,请对照官网原文文件学习。本文件内容仅供个人学习使用,版权归原作者所有。第 293 页TRS 1044 Annex 5 Good ...
961, 2011, annex 7 WHO 药品生产技术转移的指导原则 1 of 32 © World Health Organization 世界卫生组织 WHO Technical Report Series, No. 961, 2011 世界卫生组织技术报告系列,编号 961, 2011 年 Annex 7 附录 7 WHO guidelines on transfer of technology in pharmaceutical manufacturing WHO 药品生产技术...
WHO Technical Report Series, No. 970, 2012 Annex 2 附件2Page 1 of 20 Annex 2 附件2 WHO good manufacturing practices: water for pharmaceutical use WHO GMP:制药用水 1. Introduction 介绍 1.1 Scope of the document文件范围 1.2 Background to water requirements and uses 水的要求和使用背景...
who_trs_908-annex9 热度: 40 ©WorldHealthOrganization WHOTechnicalReportSeries,No.929,2005 Annex3 WHOGoodManufacturingPractices:waterfor pharmaceuticaluse 1.Introduction41 1.1Scopeofthedocument41 1.2Backgroundtowaterrequirementsanduses41 1.3Applicableguides42 ...
WHO_TRS_929-Annex4[1] 热度: 相关推荐 ©WorldHealthOrganization WHOTechnicalReportSeries,No.908,2003 Annex9 Guidetogoodstoragepracticesfor pharmaceuticals 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Introduction Glossary 125 126 128 128 131 133 133 134 134 134 136 Personnel Premisesandfacilities Storage...
TRS961_Annex3(WHO_GMP主要原理) ? World Health Organization WHO Technical Report Series, No. 961, 2011 Annex 3 WHO good manufacturing practices for pharmaceutical products: main principles Introduction General considerations Glossary Quality management in the medicines industry: philosophy and essential ...
WHO TRS 996-ANNEX 05 数据与记录管理规范指南.PDF,Annex 5 Guidance on good data and record management practices Background During an informal consultation on inspection, good manufacturing practices and risk management guidance in medicines’ manufacturin
Test requi WHO_TRS_961-Annex 3 WHO GMP for pharmaceutical products-main principles童静20121221教材 来自淘豆网www.taodocs.com转载请标明出处. 文档信息 页数:66 收藏数:0 顶次数:0 上传人:新起点 文件大小:0 KB 时间:2015-09-18