The GOP asked the U.S. Supreme Court to stay the state court’s ruling for this election or, in the alternative, order any such provisional ballots be set aside so litigation over their validity can proceed after the election, if necessary. ...
Paul Ferber, who owned an adult store in New York City, was charged after selling two films depicting young boys masturbating. Ferber took the case to court, where it traveled all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court on the grounds that his First and 14th Amendments rights were being violat...
After World War II officially ended on September 2, 1945, Black soldiers returned home to the United States facing violent white mobs of those who resented African Americans in uniform and perceived them as a threat to the social order of Jim Crow. In addition to racial violence, Black sold...
Benazir was educated at Harvard and at Oxford, also serving as the first Asian woman to preside over the Oxford Union. After the 1977 military coup which overthrew her father's government, Benazir along with her family were repeatedly placed under house arrest. After her father was hanged in ...
Who stayed over from Kennedy administration in LBJ's Cabinet? Who was George Washington's Secretary of Treasury? Who in the Nixon administration went to prison during Watergate? Who was the vice president during the Ford administration? What did George W. Bush do after he was president?
bringing together her cumulative skills set in investigation and trauma studies and helping people not only find an alternative pathway to conflict resolution but themselves outside the roles and responsibilities of their social identity. This is something she never envisaged 5 years ago after being to...
FDR was his hero & I am named after Eleanor Rosevelt. Unfortunately he died suddenly of a heart attack on 03/30/69. Ken Armstrong Hails from: Albany, OR Division: B Rate/Rank: BT3 Date of Birth: 05/07/1967 Years in Service: 1987-1988 When I first got my orders in 1986, I had ...
Stanton, was acquitted after the first successful plea of temporary insanity in U.S. legal history. Received the Medal of Honor in 1897 for action at the Battle of Gettysburg, July 2, 1863; lost a leg in that battle; his amputated leg was displayed at the Army Medical Museum, where he...
Because Indians were not permitted to travel abroad and had no access to international telephone or telegraph, and their leaders were in jail, there was no way for Bengalis to make their plight known to the world….After the tidal wave, FDR replaced Johnson with William Phillips, State’s ...
After incubation at 37 °C in a 5% CO2 enriched atmosphere for 18–20 h, nonpiliated and transparent colonies were subcultured onto GCB and incubated as described above. To initiate growth in liquid medium, nonpiliated colonies were collected from GCB and suspended to the Optical Density (...