原“世卫组织统计信息系统(WHOSIS)” 被升级并合并入GHO(The Global Health Observatory,全球卫生观察),提供全球卫生状况数据访问和分析的门户,提供关于死亡率、发病率、高危因素、服务普及率和卫生系统等50项核心指标的国家统计数字。 Cooperation Strategies (合作战略) 即WHO与相关国家、领土或区域合作的机制及框架。
这些包括噬菌体、毒力抑制剂、免疫调节和增强剂等。 临床前研发和临床开发抗菌药物的结果基于可公开获得的数据,可从世卫组织全球研发卫生观察(the WHO Global R&D Health Observatory)网站下载。世卫组织将继续定期收集和提供这些数据,以促进早期抗菌药物发现和开发这一具有科学和经济挑战性领域的创新、合作和透明度,共同...
临床前研发和临床开发抗菌药物的结果基于可公开获得的数据,可从世卫组织全球研发卫生观察(the WHO Global R&D Health Observatory)网站下载。世卫组织将继续定期收集和提供这些数据,以促进早期抗菌药物发现和开发这一具有科学和经济挑战性领域的创新、合作和透明度,共同推进开发预防和治疗耐药细菌感染所需产品的工作。 本...
Globalstatusreportonalcoholandhealthandtreatmentofsubstanceusedisorders ISBN978-92-4-009674-5(electronicversion) ISBN978-92-4-009675-2(printversion) ©WorldHealthOrganization2024 Somerightsreserved.ThisworkisavailableundertheCreativeCommonsAttribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike ...
WHO's Global Health Observatory Data Repository. Findchild mortality levels by country.(Help: Countries are in alphabetical order, so scroll down or Control F to find the countries within the table.)In 2013, which countries had an Under-five mortality rate greater than 100?
IARC全球癌症观察站(IARC's Global Cancer Observatory)提供的最新估计数据显示,2022年全球癌症新增病例和死亡病例中约有2/3来自10种癌症。数据涵盖185个国家和36种癌症。 肺癌是全球最常见的癌症,新增病例250万例,占新增病例总数的12.4%。...
In May 2013, the WHO Member States requested the WHO to establish a Global Observatory on Health Research and Development (R&D), as part of a strategic work-plan to promote innovation, build capacity, improve access, and mobilize resources to address diseases that disproportionately affect the wor...
al health observatoryHBC high burden countryHIV human immunodeficiency virus IGRA interferon-gamma release assayIHME Institute for Health Metrics and EvaluationLMICs low-and middle-income countriesMAF-TB multisectoral accountability framework for TBMDR-TB multidrug-resistant TBNTP national TB progra 86、mme...
china and south africacaD computer-aided detectioncFr case fatality ratiocsV comma-separated valueci confidence intervalcoViD-19 coronavirus disease 2019Dr-Tb drug-resistant tuberculosisecDc european centre for Disease prevention and controlGDp gross domestic productGHo Global Health observatoryGlobal Fund ...
Data at WHO » Global Health Estimates Health SDGs Mortality Database Data collections Dashboards » Dashboards » COVID-19 Dashboard Triple Billion Dashboard Health Inequality Monitor Highlights » Highlights » Global Health Observatory SCORE Insights and visualizations Data collection tools Re...