medicine societies. It is the very first step towards the globalization of traditional medicine. The WHO Regional Office for the Western Pacific has convened three meetings for developing international standard terminology on traditional medicine in Beijing, China in October 2004; Tokyo, Japan in Jun...
TCM is sure to grow in popularity globally.Though the application of TCM and other traditional medical practices has been on the rise, there's still a shortage of global terminology(术语)tools for traditional medicine, according to officials of the WHO."The decision is to push the safe and ...
根据倒数第二段的“Though the application of TCM and other traditional medical practices has been on the rise, there’s still a shortage of global terminology tools for traditional medicine, according to officials of the WHO”(据世界卫生组织官员表示,尽管中医和其他传统医学实践的应用一直在上升,但...
Regional Office for the Western Pacific 摘要: This book aims to provide a common nomenclature for better understanding, education, training, practice and research in traditional medicine (TRM) and to facilitate information exchange in TRM among Member States. The technical terms included in this ...
WHO InternatIOnal Standard termInOlOgIeS On tradItIOnal medIcIne In tHe WeStern PacIfIc regIOn WHO Library Cataloguing in Publication Data WHO International Standard terminologies on traditional medicine in the Western Pacific region 1. Medicine, Traditional. 2. Terminology ISBN 978 92 9061 248 7 (NLM ...
1、要求转移方和接收方都应该有一个适当设计、明确定义和书面的质量体系。 实验设计、质量属性、工艺参数和接受标准; 有关试产批、确认批和工艺验证的信息; 活性成分、中间体和成品留样的保存,以…
They have been aligned as far as possible with the terminology in related WHO guidelines and Good Practices and included in the WHO Quality Assurance of Medicines Terminology Database - List of Terms and related guideline ... f?sfvrsn=48461cfc_5 ), but ...
“As one of the participants, Iran has played an active role in compiling traditional medicine module 2. The country has also held several meetings with WHO’s experts and other participating countries,” IRNA quoted Nafiseh Hosseini-Yekta, the director of the health ministry’s Persian medicine...
WHO标准针灸穴位.pdf,WHO Standard aCUPUnCtUrE POInt LOCatIOnS In tHE WEStErn PaCIfIC rEgIOn Updated and Reprinted 2009 WHO Library Cataloguing in Publication data WHO Standard Acupuncture Point Locations in the Western Pacific Region 1. Medicine, traditio
1 f WHO Regional for the Western Pacific, Manila, 1984, Standard Acupuncture Nomenclature1刀 WHO/EDM/TRMZ2000.1, WHO Geneva, 2000, 21、 General Guidelines for Methodologies on Research and Evaluation of Traditional Medicine18 WHO/TRM/GPA/90.2, WHO Geneva, 1990. Report of a WHO ...