Steering committee, Asian-Pacific Association for the Study of Liver (APASL) Chairman, APASL HBV consensus working party Chairman, APASL HBV reactivation guideline committee Chairman, APASL Viral Elimination Task Force Co-Chairman, APASL Oncology Guideline Program Director, APASL Hepatology Webinar Faculty...
Board co-chair Dr Brundtland added: "With the current Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of the Congo reminding all of us of the West African outbreak of 2014-15, the importance of being prepared for and resilient to health crises has never been clearer. Though the last two years of...
At WHO, she has led the development and dissemination of global normative guidance for HIV as well as Hepatitis B and C testing and treatment, and in 2021 new guidance on criteria for country validation of elimination of viral...
Considering social value principles for communities Biodiversity Enhancing the environment and ecosystem through our developments Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures Climate-related risks can have significant impacts on businesses, ranging from supply chain disruptions, operational risks, increasing...
Last month, despite alleging that the World Health Organization "enabled" the Chinese government's sweeping cover-up of the coronavirus pandemic's origins, members of the GOP China task force urged Trump to reconsider his decision to terminate relations with the international body, arguing that the...
On Jan. 29, President Donald Trump announced that he was forming a coronavirus task force made up of top health, transportation, and national security officials. The team will coordinate efforts to respond to coronavirus and work to prevent the virus from spreading. ...
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Safety confirmation system for employees and their families Taskforce members and workplace managers can determine and confirm the safety of employees and their families who have registered with this system through a PC or mobile phone when a large earthquake strikes. Safety marks (Occupational safet...
PUBLIC healthRIFAMPINWORLD Health OrganizationThe article focuses on the measures taken by the World Health Organization Global Task Force to prevent the spread of drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB). The Task Force emphasized the need for countries to strengthen TB control and made specific ...
The World Health Organization said Monday that it had set up a task force with the global airline and tourism industry in an effort to contain the spread of Ebola. The UN agency said it was working hand in hand with the International Civil Aviation Organization, the World Tourism Organization,...