Travel ChannelYesYesYesYes$NoYes TruTVNo$YesYesYesNoYes TV LandYes$$YesYesYesYes USA NetworkNoNoYesYesYesYesYes VH1Yes$$YesYesYesYes ViceYesYesYesNo$NoYes WE tvYes$$YesYesNoNo ChannelPhilo ($28)Sling Orange ($40)Sling Blue ($40)YouTube TV ($73)DirecTV Stream ($80)FuboTV ($80)Hulu...
Travel ChannelYesYesYesYes$NoYes TruTVNo$YesYesYesNoYes TV LandYes$$YesYesYesYes USA NetworkNoNoYesYesYesYesYes VH1Yes$$YesYesYesYes ViceYesYesYesNo$NoYes WE tvYes$$YesYesNoNo ChannelPhilo ($28)Sling Orange ($40)Sling Blue ($40)YouTube TV ($73)DirecTV Stream ($80)FuboTV ($80)...
CWNoNoNoYesYes (limited)YesYes MyNetworkTVNoNoNoYesYesNoYes ChannelPhilo ($28)Sling Orange ($40)Sling Blue ($40)YouTube TV ($73)DirecTV Stream ($80)Fubo ($80)Hulu with Live TV ($83) A&EYesYesYesNo$NoYes ACC NetworkNo$NoYes$YesYes ...
2. Literature Review This section deals with the relevant literature considering three different streams of research: green supply chains, recycling issues, and power structures. 2.1. Green Supply Chains Supply chains have significant impacts on the environment through their emissions and pollutants, ...