One of the richest pre-colonial West African states, the Mali Empire, also knowns as the Manding Empire or Manden Kurufa, was founded in 1235 CE. The particulars about the empire were retrieved through medieval Arabic chronicles, oral narratives, and archaeology....
Who was the first vizier in the Seljuk Empire? Who was the first Roman emperor to invade Britain? What empire conquered the Northern Kingdom of Judah? Who conquered the Babylonian Empire? Who first ruled the khanate of the Great Khan? What kingdom started the First Crusade? Who had the mo...
The Empire of Mali was renowned not only within the continent of Africa, but also beyond its borders. Its emperor Mansa Musa was placed on medieval European maps of Africa with description:“The king is the richest and most noble because his country abounds in gold.”Under him, the empire ...
This is when you’d add the raw fish if that’s what you’re using.Let the fish simmer in the sauce until it flakes apart.If using pre-cooked fish, add at the very end of cooking, turning off the heat as soon as you do. Flake the fish apart and let it warm up in the still ...
He thinks he started the car with Jedi mind tricks. My take: It's a great ad, and not just because I like John Williams' score "Darth Vader's Theme." This ad is a lot of fun and shows once again that VW doesn't take itself too seriously. VW's marketing efforts have usually ...
My question is how can Nero be the Beast when the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70 was carried out by Vespasian? Thank you for your time. God bless. Will Will, thanks. Nero was not the beast, but rather one of the seven heads of the beast. The beast is the Roman Empire, and th...
Who started imperialism in Africa? Who colonized the Democratic Republic of the Congo? Who owned West Africa in the Scramble for Africa? Who was the first chairman of the African Union? Who ruled Mercia after Aethelflaed? Who founded the Mali Empire?
Who wrote the Bill of Rights in South Africa? Who took power in England during the Glorious Revolution? Who owned Africa during the time of New Imperialism? Who was the first president of the ANC? Who rebelled against Sumanguru to establish the Mali Empire?
Who brought Islam to the Kingdom of Ghana? Which Muslim leader led the resistance to the Crusaders? Who was the founder of the Slave dynasty? Who was the founder of the Nanda Dynasty? Who started the Khilafat Movement? Who founded the Mali Empire?
Who all made up the Northern Kingdom of Israel? Who discovered the Solomon Islands? Who discovered Spitsbergen? Who made the opium of the Opium Wars? Who rebelled against Sumanguru to establish the Mali Empire? Who ruled the Funan?