which had yet to be born at that time: He was taking about the Northern Expedition under the command of Chiang Kai-shek as he crushed the warlord forces of northern China.
John, who is one of Jesus’ original 12, writes that to be “born of God” one must believe that “Jesus is the Christ.” If we claim to love God, then we must believe in and love the one who is begotten of Him, that is, Jesus. By claiming we love God, we admit (declare) ...
Communism is by definition global. The New (Jew) World Order is Communism in the true Marxist / Leninist definition of the term. I call it the Leviathan International Empire, the LIE. Kacznski was charting a course for Poland independent of the world Jew money trust based in the EU. ...
Heyward Drayton, and started signing her work “Grace Drayton,” the name most fans know her by now. She continued signing her work this way after she divorced Drayton in 1923. Throughout her career, Drayton produced an endless stream of adorable kids for comic strips, children’s books, ...
The Poles ( I would rather call then Polans) are confused and surely it may take another generation to change their indoctrinated by communism mentality; especially the older generation. Thankfully the Star of David has not yet been placed on the Polish insignia even though the government is ...
I’ve mentioned in other essays that I am a Marvel over a DC fan when it comes to comics as well as the movies. This was true long before Iron Man started the MCU, this goes back to my first comic reading in the 1980’s. I didn’t start my comic reading in DC, I started with...
I’m certain that dozens of other bad ideas can be laid at the feet of the ivory-tower academics. They’ve long been enamored of communism and that slightly less poisonous junior partner, socialism, because it sounds so logical and sensible in theory. Never mind that extolling Marxism in ...
MOSCOW (AP) — Mikhail Gorbachev, who set out to revitalize the Soviet Union but ended up unleashing forces that led to the collapse of communism, the breakup of the state and the end of the Cold War, died Tuesday. The last Soviet leader was 91.
I tried to read Orwell’s1984in college, but I didn’t and couldn’t finish it. Orwell was a statist. It was in the 1930s when he started to consider himself a socialist. My own evaluation of Orwell’s political views and affiliation is that he’s a CONFUSED statist or socialist. He...
Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov "Lenin" was the architect of Russia’s 1917 Bolshevik revolution and the first leader of what became the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). Through violent means, he established a system of Marxist socialism calledcommunismin the former Russian Empire, which attempte...