Formation of Akatsuki Right after Jiraiya left, the war orphan trio started an organization called the Akatsuki and announced Yahiko as its official leader. Their first goal was to put a stop to the never-ending war in Amegakure. Soon their actions started to sound loud and attracted many peo...
Years later, during the Third Shinobi World War, Hanzō became aware of the group named “Akatsuki” who began a quest to end wars through dialogue and negotiations within his country. Hanzō admired their method to pursue for peace but Danzō Shimura convinced him otherwise, stating that the ...
分享8赞 猫了个眯吧 Akatsuki尧 I love you not because of whobut because of who I am when I am with you。 我爱你并不是因为你是谁,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的那个我。 只是很喜欢这句话而已0(∩_∩)0 猫了个眯 分享15赞 魔兽世界吧 么么hello刀刀 I love you not because of whobut be...