Population & DevelopmentAnthropologyGender and DevelopmentThis paper analyzes the determinants of HIV infection and associated sexual behaviors using data from the first five Demographic and Health Surveys to include HSocial Science Electronic Publishing...
Controlacquisitionsshareslimited partnershipsThe Income Tax Act refers to an "acquisition of control" in many contexts, including the stop-loss rules in subsection 111(5). While the Supreme Court of Canada has dealt with many issues of control, one issue that has never been decided is who owns...
Hayek also revealed the name of the next edition of the Swatch smartwatch, the Touch Zero Two, and that the new device will be launched at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. Hayek told the paper Swatch would launch Touch Zero Two at next year’s Olympic Games in Rio de Replica...
From 1987 to 1998, Bonfa and I were neighbors at the Barra da Tijuca area in Rio de Janeiro, we used to visit each other at least three times a week. Many many times when I was at Bonfa's home, he showed me works (songs, albums, arrangements) by Scott. "Listen to this cello pa...
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In his Studies in the Music of Tom谩s Luis de Victoria (2001), Eugene Casjen Cramer relies on the supposed authenticity of the work to ascribe the others pieces of Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Musik-Abteilung, 2 Mus. pr. 23 handschriftlicher Beiband to the composer. These ...
Dissatisfied, the partners disagreed on the causes of the failure: a liquidity problem due to the credit portfolio extension strategy or a solvency problem as, besides non-liquid, was the portfolio also defaulting? Contributions: The development of this analysis through a ...
Sol Roman In the earliest Roman religion, a sun god worshiped by the Sabines, who introduced the cult of Sol to the Roman people when a Sabine king ruled over that city.sabines
Analysing of risk factors for ulcer bleeding in patients who after PCI start low-dose aspirin and ADP-receptor inhibitor combination treatment - Syddansk Universitetdoi:10.1016/S0016-5085(13)61780-1Jensen, Berit Elin SoltoftHansen, Jane M.