Wilson's entry into the entertainment industry is marked by her performance in the Australian television series Pizza and The Wedge. She wrote, produced, and starred in the musical comedy series Bogan Pride. These early successes propelled her towards international fame when she landed a rol...
Wood's captivating performances and undeniable talent quickly catapulted her to Hollywood stardom. Wood's breakthrough came in 1955 when she starred in Rebel Without a Cause alongside James Dean. This role earned Wood her first Academy Award nomination, solidifying her place in Hollywood. She ...
Produced by Embassy Television (later Embassy Communications and ELP Communications), in association with Hunter-Cohan Productions and Columbia Pictures Television, the series starred Tony Danza as a retired major league baseball player who relocates to Fairfield, Connecticut to work as a live-in ...
Actress Tatum O’Neal is the youngest Oscar-winner ever, claiming the title at just 10 years old. How she managed to put on such a fun but challenging performance is a wonder. It probably helped that her real-life father Ryan O’Neal starred alongside her as Moses. Her mother, Joanna M...
The last two days on the road took us to Snaefellsness Peninsula. The volcano under the Snaefellsjokull starred in Jules Verne’s Journey to the Center of the Earth. We didn’t climb the glacier ourselves to see if there was a volcanic entry to the Earth’s core but we did have a ...
He starred in numerous television and film roles and in Rocky until Creed’s death in Rocky IV. Tom Cruise Before becoming Hollywood's go-to leading man, Tom Cruise was a fierce little soccer player back in the day. You can even catch glimpses of his skills while playing with...
He starred in numerous television and film roles and in Rocky until Creed’s death in Rocky IV. Tom Cruise Before becoming Hollywood's go-to leading man, Tom Cruise was a fierce little soccer player back in the day. You can even catch glimpses of his skills while playing with Cameron ...
Following the cult classic, Deodato directed several more horror films including 1986's Body Count and 1988's Phantom of Death, which starred Michael York and Donald Pleasence. The filmmaker also made a cameo, playing a cannibal, in Eli Roth's 2007 horror sequel Hostel: Part II. 11 of ...
14 – Michael McGrath (65): Tony Award-Winning Actor – Michael McGrath originated the role of Patsy in Spamalot on Broadway and starred in numerous other Broadway productions, earning a Tony Award in 2012 for Nice Work If You Can Get It. His stage career spanned 30 years, and he also ...
Churchillis a drama centred round Winston Churchill (Brian Cox) in the days leading up to D-Day (6thJune 1944). The movie opens with Winston walking along a beach, remembering the failed Gallipoli campaign during World War I, when he was responsible for the death of more than 150,000 All...