Charles Melton delivered an incredible breakout performance in Todd Haynes'May December. The film follows the character of Elizabeth studying a real woman she will play in a movie, Gracie, who married her teenage student, Joe (Charles Melton), many years ago. In one of the scenes, Melton tak...
RELATED:10 Horror Movies To Watch If You Love Candyman Well known for playing the terrifying hook-swinging folklore creature inCandyman, Todd also leaped into thedeath-centricFinal Destinationfranchise, playing the spooky coroner William Bludworth who tells the protagonists about the rules of life and...
Perkins's most infamous role came in 1960 when he starred as the tormented motel owner, Norman Bates, in Psycho. His chilling performance not only defined his career but also reshaped the landscape of horror cinema forever. Despite being typecast in similar roles thereafter, Perkins continued to...
Also ranks #2 on18 Actors Who Starred As Themselves And Totally Nailed It 250 votes Agree or disagree? Photo: uploaded by wiabux 16 Jeremy Irons Credits:The Lion King, Die Hard: With a Vengeance, The Man in the Iron Mask, Dead Ringers ...
Chris Hemsworth debuted as Thor in 2011's eponymous Phase 1 project, and has since gone on to become one of the most important figures in the MCU, so far having starred in four solo films. At the end of 2022's Thor: Love and Thunder, Hemsworth was confirmed to be returning in the ...
Noah Weisberg starred as the iconic chocolate maker in the musical adaptation, directed by Jack O’Brien. The U.S. tour first launched in September in Buffalo, New York, before closing in October 2019 in Tampa, Florida. Weisberg spoke to KSNV in 2019 about taking on the iconic role, ...