WHO美洲区域办事处位于美国华盛顿特区,WHO美洲区有阿根廷、巴西、加拿大、智利、哥伦比亚、哥斯达黎加、古巴、多米尼加共和国、海地、牙买加、墨西哥、尼加拉瓜、巴拿马、巴拉圭,秘鲁、美国、乌拉圭、委内瑞拉等35个会员国。 世卫组织东南亚区域(South East Asia): https://www.who.int/southeastasia WHO东南亚区域办事处...
December 27, 2023 The World Health Organisation (WHO) has urged the countries in the Southeast Asia Region to strengthen surveillance and asked people to take protective measures in view of rising cases of respiratorydiseasesincluding influenza and Covid sub-variant JN.1, according to a press rele...
arbovirusesintheSouth-EastAsiaRegion.NewDelhi:WorldHealthOrganization,RegionalOfficeforSouth-EastAsia; 2024.Licence:CCBY-NC-SA3.0IGO. Cataloguing-in-Publication(CIP)data.CIPdataareavailableat/iris. Sales,rightsandlicensing.TopurchaseWHOpublications,see/bookorders.Tosubmitrequestsfor ...
Malaria endemic countries in the southeast Asia region include Bangladesh Bhutan India Indonesia Maldives Myanmar Nepal Sri Lanka and Thailand. Population movement and rapid urbanization both largely caused by unemployment and environmental deterioration change the malaria pattern. They also increase the incid...
Zahar, A R
it iscurrently 40 milion children around th e world who ar e overweight.Of that 50 percent ar e in Afic a and th e southeast Asia region , "Bull said.T h e Reuters news agency(路透社)says that number reprsents5.9 percent of all children worldwide.Early childhood is a period of fast...
1.Executivesummary2.Prevention3.VenomoussnakesofSouth-EastAsia4.Snakevenoms5.Epidemiologyofsnake-biteinSouth-EastAsiaRegion6.Symptomsandsignsofsnake-bite7.Managementofsnake-bitesinSouth-EastAsia8.Speciesdiagnosis9.Investigations/laboratorytests10.Antivenomtreatment Guidelines...
The challenge of communicable diseases in the WHO South- East Asia Region. The authors discuss the challenges associated with treating and preventing communicable diseases found in the Southeast Asia region of the World Health Org... Narain,Jai,P.,... - 《Bulletin of the World Health Organizatio...
“In this age group of under-5,it is currently40 million children around the world who are overweight,50 percent of whom are in Africa and the southeast Asiaregion,representing 5.9 percent of all children world-wide," Bull said.Early childhood is a period of fast physical and men-tal ...
The WHO has set a 2020 deadline for the elimination of measles in the 11 countries it categorises as the Southeast Asia region. The region has averted an estimated 620,000 measles deaths in 2016 after carrying out vaccinations in the 11 countries, the WHO said. ...