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"I see everythin' in slow motion, like a movie scene,"Alessia Carasings on "Slow Motion," one of the singles from her new album,Love & Hyperbole. It's a fitting statement for the singer/songwriter, whose music has felt cinematic since her breakthrough 2015 hit "Here." Her poetic lyri...
It wasn’t really about how high or how far I could go. It was about the fact that I believe my work has value … and one of the ways to measure value is whether somebody is going to pay to watch me perform, to buy my CDs. It gives you a very practical edge[268],” she ...
One might be forgiven for assuming that when a super successful disco pioneer sings “I’m Your Boogie Man,” he’s talking about himself. But the truth is that the song was written in praise of someone to whom the band felt they owed their success. A DJ from the band’s hometown of...
" Astley states. "Roger, on the other hand, only wanted to do his vocals in the evenings, so my days were very, very long. In fact, I remember Pete leaving when I was preparing to do a vocal session with Roger, and he said 'Make sure he sings the right notes.' I thought 'Oh...
This book gave me an understanding of how difficult it is for a minister to separate himself from his church. He eventually found a new career—he is Co-President of the Freedom From Religion Foundation and a popular folksinger who sings songs with an atheistic bent. ...