Who signed the Articles of Confederation? Who signed the Declaration of Independence? Who were the Federalist leaders? Who were some active Anti-Federalists? Who signed the Declaration of Independence from New York? Who delivered the Declaration of Independence?
Who worked for the Union Pacific Railroad? Who signed the Articles of Confederation? Who organized the Southern Christian Leadership Conference? Who funded the Women's Social and Political Union? Who funded the American Civil War? Who participated in the Washington Conference of 1921?
The order in the (newly minted) states ratified the Articles of Confederation can be compared with the order these states selected delegates to attend the Second Continental Congress which (in turn) proposed the Articles to the states for ratification. This comparison can then be exploited to ...
Most people, even those who aren't serious history buffs know that there were 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence. Most people also know that there were 39 men who signed the United States Constitution. But, there aren't a whole lot of people who realize that some of the ...
He briefly left the constitutional convention when it seemed like the rights of small states would be ignored. However, after elements of his ideas were included in the constitution, he returned and signed it. “Scene at the Signing of the Constitution of the United States,” by Howard Chandle...
Roger Sherman was a lawyer and statesman during colonial America. He is the only person to have signed all four of the United States’ great state papers: the Continental Association, the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the United States Constitution. He also served...
Thomas Jefferson was not present the day the Constitution was signed. Thomas JeffersonandJohn Adamswere not present on that day, and three of those in attendance refused to agree to the contents. Still, enough signatures were there for a strong majority ...
Morris was born into the Robert Morris tobacco making company family. He came from a family of wealth and as an American merchant, he also played a major role in financing the American Revolution. Morris signed the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the United State...
The discharge report was signed off at 7:31am, with no record that he had been seen by anyone from the mental health service. According to the police who notified Alison of Dave’s death, the first reports of the accident came in at 8:50, less than 90 minutes later. This is roughly...
The World Health Organisation (WHO) is currently ramping up pressure on governments of states signed up to support it to accept its International Health Regulations Amendments (IHRs). The problem is We The People have not been allowed to know what our leaders are considering signing up to. ...