It wasn’t a cheap model, but it wasn’t rock-bottom cheap, either. The ice maker and dispenser stopped working entirely and repairing it all isn’t worth the trouble and the parts. Not having a monthly mortgage payment will free up a not inconsiderable sum of money; I plan to ...
The floor of the toilet was wet. The stench was intolerable. Swollen plugs of wet toilet paper sloshing in the metal basin. Writhing. I turned and looked at the flight attendant, and she recoiled. She took her hand off my arm and stepped back. She said something in such a small voice...
shreds showered shovel shouts shouldered shortsighted shortcomings shone shocks shirley ship's shingles shine shielding shielded sheriff's sheraton sharpening sharpened shapeless shaky shakes shakers shadowing shabby seward severity serge sensuality selects seigner securely secretariat secondly seating seasoned ...