The telescope at the observatory was equipped with a camera that would take two photographs of the sky on different days. A device known as a blink compactor rapidly flipped back and forth between the two photographs. Stars and galaxies essentially remained unmoving in the images, but anything ...
Sun Rais and will forever be a legend. Influenced by his Afrocentric spiritualism, Ra’s music is imbued with a powerful energy that levitated listeners to new galaxies, taking them on sonic voyages, while exploring themes that related (and released them from) to...
In 1666, Isaac Newton showed that a prism separated white light into a spectrum of its constituent parts, rather than creating the rainbow colors that are seen. In 1802, William Wollaston then constructed a spectrometer that showed the Sun’s spectrum on a screen, but noted that there were d...
But you know that we can’t get something from nothing, and since nothing comes from nothing so then if there were ever a time when absolutely nothing existed then we never would of come into existence. But stuff does exists. Something had to have always been in existence since there may...
showed that they were actually "quasi-stellar objects," a term later abbreviated toquasars. Quasars are peculiar objects that radiate as much energy per second as a thousand or more galaxies, yet they have a diameter about one-millionth that of galaxy. Astronomers at Mt. Palomar were the ...
Thanks to regeneration and his own natural longevity, the Doctor has lived for many centuries—his first incarnation alone existed for over 450 years. Time Lords, in general consider 700 years to be middle ages, though its unknown if that is for just one incarnation or their entire lives. ...
informed The Doctor that The Daleks had started to burn down the jungle. With The Doctor resolved to find out what the Daleks were doing on Kembel and stop them, he and the others discovered a large landing bay with ships from the many outer galaxies and the Spar ship Bret recognised as...
That is, how do we know that they will say, “Matter was not created; it existed in the pre-eternity. That is, matter is a being without beginning.” when we ask them, Who created matter?" Then, we will replace the subject of his sentences, "matter" with "Allah". How can we be...
Stars die, Galaxies die, even black holes will evaporate and everyone who claimes he is connected to god,creator or whatever you call it even you can call it Lucifer, or s/he is the messenger of god or his son or daughter is a one who is trying to take creator within the realm of...
你什么也没给我看过 You never showed it to me. 这东西从没存在过 你懂了吗 This thing never existed, do you understand? 好的 好的 OK, OK. 你知道你的问题是什么吗 里奥 You know what your problem is, Leo? 你太聪明了 Youre too clever. 这就是为什么人们不喜欢专家 This is why people ...