He also led the effort to ratify the Torrijos–Carter Treaties, which returned the Panama Canal Zone to Panama. Church sought the Democratic nomination in the 1976 presidential election, but withdrew from the race in favor of Jimmy Carter. Church won re-election to the Senate in 1962, 1968,...
gay men and other men who have sex with men (MSM), and transgender women—collectively referred to as key populations (KPs) affected by HIV [1]. While the HIV prevalence among the adult population in Latin America is estimated at around 0.4...
and a new batch of hit songs in “I’ll Wait” and “Panama.” This is a great one to show the kids, as you have Eddie’s guitar theatrics, but also a crash course on bravado and showmanship from David Lee Roth, feverish drumming at times from Alex Van Halen and the always ...
Gulf Coast State College’s WKGC-FM Panama City evacuated to a remote studio at the Bay County Emergency Operation Center. They remained there for at least two weeks, providing cleanup information and food and water locations. “Part of the WKGC mission has always been to provide information ...
In his four innings, he held Team Panama to just one run and a hit. One of his three strikeouts was Tampa Bay Rays Christian Bethancourt who also threw his bat in frustration against the dugout wall after Vassalotti pitched him into a double play out his next at bat. The one hit he...
Eddie and brother Alex formed Van Halenin 1978, releasing classics like "Runnin' With the Devil," "You Really Got Me Now," "Hot for Teacher," "Panama" and "Jump," all famous for Eddie's solos.He also played guitar for Michael Jackson's "Beat It,"even reworking almost the entire son...
panama pall pails pail pah pagan pa's ozagen oyabun owing overwhelmed overtones oversimplified overpayment overlooks overlook overlap overgrown outweighed outrun outrage outmoded outlawed outgrow outfielder ounce orville ornament orient ore orchestras orchestral optional oppressive onslaught onrush onions ...
Working in Kingston, he became involved in trade unionism before living briefly in Costa Rica, Panama, and England. Returning to Jamaica, he founded UNIA in 1914. In 1916, he moved to the United States and established a UNIA branch in New York City's Harlem district. Emphasising unity ...
After McKinley's assassination in 1901, Senator Hanna worked for the building of a canal in Panama, rather than elsewhere in Central America, as had previously been proposed. He died in 1904, and is remembered for his role in McKinley's election, thanks to savage cartoons by such ...