Love is the crowning grace of humanity, the holiest right of the soul, the golden link which binds us to duty and truth, the redeeming principle that chiefly reconciles the heart to life, and is prophetic of eternal good. — Petrarch 69 The principle on which this country was founded an...
Levite says he protested, but Hampton ignored him. He hired another telemarketer, Outreach Calling, to assist a related veterans nonprofit he runs out of the same office. This telemarketer — which theNew York attorney general’s office saysis run by a man they banned for life from fundrai...
It runs in the family: When her father died, the conservative Gary Bauer said, "Ed Prince was not an empire builder. He was a Kingdom Builder." DeVos's parents and in-laws have "supported anti-gay marriage efforts in the past," according to the Washington Post, though DeVos personally...
Citigroup received the largest taxpayer bailout in history during the financial crisis as a result of its unchecked derivatives: $45 billion in TARP funds; over $306 billion in asset guarantees; and more than $2 trillion in low-cost loans from the Fed according to the General Accou...
FIRST LOOK – STEVE KING HITS BACK ON SPENDING:“With Europe crumbling, Illinois and California on the brink, and debt crushing our economy, this isn’t the time to spend and tax us more,” the Iowa Republican says di...