The article discusses the idea of a plutocracy in the U.S., commenting on the theory of the "iron law of oligarchy" of Italian historian and sociologist Roberto Michels. The author considers the relationship between power and money in the U.S. and examines relations between ruling and ...
Who rules in a direct democracy? Who makes the decisions in a democracy? In a democracy to whom is the government responsible? What happens in a representative democracy? How does a representative democracy work? What is the defining right of a representative democracy?
Whom do lobbyists represent in their attempts to influence government? How are representatives chosen in a democracy? Who does a US Senator represent? Who elects the president of the European Parliament? Who enforces the Supremacy Clause? Who rules in a direct democracy? How is the attorney ge...
On social media, the department has avoided mentioning flu shots in posts about the flu, instead advising people to wash their hands and cover their coughs. The modest proposal is that a private organization could step in with ads that have the slogan: “Get the treatment THE GOVERNMENT DOESN...
I wish to speak about what happens when a populist party or movement becomes the government, as in the USA, Italy and elsewhere and in the UK with the case of the Brexit policy the public has voted for. The governing institutions that attack populism have to adjust to the will of the ...
At a panel discussion at the Pew Charitable Trusts (captured for posterity by Planet Money), Alice Rivlin floated the idea of breaking up big banks. Luckily for us, Scott Talbott of the Financial Services Roundtable (a lobbying group for big banks) was t
government communications). That part of the market is well served by the UPS and FedEx guys. As long as we need to deliver important communications via physical media the Post Office or some sort of mandated universal service needs to exist in its current form. And that’ll be a long ...
a gift, the government will demand that person pay that money back toward my mother's medical bills! In other words, if my mother had given one of her children money for college tuition three years ago, the government would try to get us to pay that amount toward my mother's medical ...
But though patent practitioners have an interest in promoting the system that supports them–just as FDA bureaucrats support the FDA, just as government school teachers tend to be in favor of government schooling, just as policemen and state judges are in favor of the state’s monopoly ov...
Major changes in citizenship rules were made in the 19th century following the American Civil War….”. ———–> Freemasons and Mormons: “Prince Hall (c.?1735/8—1807)[1] was an abolitionist and leader in ...