Who was the Holy Roman Emperor? Who was Emperor Justinian? Who ruled Rome before the Roman Republic? Who ruled Rome after the Roman Republic? Who controlled Rome during Caesar's civil war? Who was the last Roman emperor? Who was a centurion in the Ancient Roman army?
Who ruled during the Carolingian Empire? Who conquered Rome in the fall of the Roman Empire? Who ruled the Roman Empire when Jesus was born? Who ruled during the Roman Republic? Who ruled Rome during the Dark Ages? Who ruled the Holy Roman Empire before Charlemagne?
In 476 C.E. Romulus, the last of the Roman emperors in the west, was overthrown bythe Germanic leader Odoacer, who became the first Barbarian to rule in Rome. The order that the Roman Empire had brought to western Europe for 1000 years was no more. Who ruled India before the British?
Christianity in Rome: From its conception, Christianity would spread in the Roman Empire; however, many of the emperors and Senates looked upon the religion with disdain, and some would outlaw it and kill or persecute believers. There were a few emperors and Senates that would tolerate the re...
Tiberius was one of the oldest emperors of Rome. He reached the advanced age of 77, andappeared to perishof natural causes after an injury and long illness in 37 CE... except he actually didn't - he was simply unconscious for a time. ...
Pelagius, who was also trapped in Rome that same night, used language that echoed the biblical vision of Judgment Day to convey the horror of the moment: “Rome, the mistress of the world, shivered, crushed with fear, at the sound of the blaring trumpets and the howling of the Goths.”...
He was crowned King of Italy on 24 April 1155 in Pavia and emperor by Pope Adrian IV on 18 June 1155 in Rome. Two years later, the term sacrum ("holy") first appeared in a document in connection with his empire. He was later formally crowned King of Burgundy, at Arles on 30 June...
Others offer the hypothesis that the Patriarchate seeks to establish itself as the “Orthodox papacy” specifically so that, when (so this line of thinking goes) +Bartholomew enters into reunion with Rome, it will be no conceptual difficulty to hand that authority over to the Roman Pope. ...
The founder of Rome The founder and first king of Rome was Romulus. The Ro man Empire was named after him. His name, the name of a man, is the name of the kingdom. Every citizen in the kingdom bears the same name — each is a Roman. ...
One of the features of government in Europe during the Middle Ages was the relationship between rulers and the pope in Rome. For the emperors of the Holy Roman Empire, the popes claimed the right to bestow the crown of the emperor.