Who ruled the American colonies before the Declaration of Independence? Who was involved in the Bill of Rights? Who passed the Quartering Act? Who drafted the Declaration of Rights and Grievances? Who created the Constitutional Act of 1791?
And last and worst, the post conciliar Catholic church promotes the Noachide Law mandated by the Sanhedrin for Gentile nations on the basis of the Vatican II Charter of Nostra Aetate. All of the above is solid New World Communist Order territory. All of it condemned by the Roman Catholic ...
I appreciate the reason you are so pro-EU is because of the prerequisite attached to the funding they receive from them. I would also like to question, why you accept this funding when you know it contravenes your own Charter? Get it out there in the open. It’s time to hit back a...
charter carbon campus burst branches branch blow benefits awareness attempted artistic andy alert affair advised admission accident winning wedding weak we'd variation van universities tube transition they'll theatre textile testing temporary tea survival super stuff strain stained spots slipped slave sky...