a second agency regulates some of the activities that the firm is engaging in, but a third agency controls a government initiative to resolve or alleviate a problem related to the firm or its activities. On
Coverage Aincludes all of the state-mandated benefits that an injured or ill employee is entitled to receive from the employer’s insurance.16It covers salary replacement payments as well as medical care, rehabilitation, and death benefits as necessary. All states except Texas have such benefits, ...
So we have a yard and the company puts all the locomotives in the yard, that they make one every three months, and there are now 15 in that yard, and they’re all ready to go, and somebody calls from the train station and says can we take any of those? Sure, take them. Take ...
"Presentation of Evidence in Medical Malpractice Actions," 1991; "Causation in Products' Cases," 1991; "Using the Texas D.T.P.A and Insurance Code in Litigation with Insurance Companies," 1992-97; "Demonstrative Evidence: Fresh and Affordable Approaches," 1994-95; "Demonstrative Evidence on a...