Region of the Americas [regionBrazil [countrycancer [subjecttobacco [subjectcervical cancertobacco usesmokingpassive smokingcigarettesThe public health concerns raised by products such as waterpipe and electronic cigarettes emphasize WHO TobLabNet's importance in strengthening global tobacco product regulation....
Region of the Americas [regionDisease outbreak news [doctypesurveillanceON the occasion of the first celebration of the Panamerican Health Day on December 2, 1941, Dr. Waldemar Antunes gave a survey of the yellow fever situation in Brazil (21, 758; 1942). The special control measures applied ...
Secretaría de Economía de México (Mexico Ministry of Economy)Eastern Mediterranean Region awardees Ms Nesreen Osama Dabous, President of life without smoking (Haya Bela Tadkheen), Arab Republic of Egypt Professor Ahmad Jonidi Jafari, Head of the Environmental and Occupational Health Centre, Minist...
WHOAfricanRegion:FlorenceBaingana WHORegionoftheAmericas:MaristelaGoldnadelMonteiro,SohiIvneet WHOEasternMediterraneanRegion:KhalidSaeed,WafaaElsawi WHOEuropeanRegion:CarinaFerreira-Borges,SergeyBychkov,MariaNeufeld WHOSouth-EastAsiaRegion:NazneenAnwar WHOWesternPacificRegion:MartinVandendyck,CarolineLukaszyk,KiraFortun...
例如区域选择”Western Pacific Region“(即西太平洋区),则会出现属于该区的国家名称及国旗列表。依照当前网页,西太区共有27个被WHA所承认的主权会员国,包括中国、澳大利亚、日本、新加坡、韩国、菲律宾等。 ② Regions(区域) WHO目前分为6个地区委员会及地区办事处:非洲区域(Africa)、美洲区域(Americas)、东南亚区域...
globally has increased by 0.8% in week 32 (08 Aug - 14 Aug) (n = 6,267 cases) compared to week 31 (01 Aug - 07 Aug) (n = 6,217 cases). The majority of cases reported in the past 4 weeks were notified from the Region of the Americas (54.5%) and the European Region (44.2...
Region of the Americas 75 712 confirmed (14 878) 1065 deaths (252) African Region 1937 confirmed (275) 31 deaths (2) WHO风险评估 全球 非常高 图1 截至2020年3月26日报告COVID-19确诊病例的国家、领地和地区 下行图注: 数据来源:WHO,中国卫生健康委员会 ...
Region of the Americas awardees Three Bolivian institutions (shared award): Asamblea Legislativa Plurinacional de Bolivia (National Assembly of Bolivia) Ministerio de Salud del Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia (Bolivia Ministry of Health) Alianza Bolivia Libre Sin Tabaco (Alliance for a Bolivia Free of...
Algeria is the second country in the WHO African Region to be officially recognized as malaria-free after Mauritius, which was certified in 1973. Argentina is the second in the WHO Region of the Americas to be certified in 45 years, after Paraguay in June 2018. ...
Region of the Americas. Sign up for WHO updates. 4 WHO | Female genital mutilation Skip to main content. Notes for the media. Official WHO health days. Female genital mutilation (FGM) includes procedures that intentionally alter or cause...