It has been estimated that current exposure to radon gas could account for as much as 5–15% of all lung cancer deaths. It was recommended that, in general, buildings with concentrations of more than 100 Bq m−3 EER, as an annual average, should be considered for remedial action to ...
endorsedorrecommendedbyWHOinpreferencetoothersofasimilarnaturethatarenotmentioned.Errors andomissionsexcepted,thenamesofproprietaryproductsaredistinguishedbyinitialcapitalletters. AllreasonableprecautionshavebeentakenbyWHOtoverifytheinformationcontainedinthispublication. ...
levels for radionuclides in drinking-water 202 9.4 Monitoring and assessment for dissolved radionuclides 204 9.4.1 Screening of drinking-water supplies 204 9.4.2 Strategy for assessing drinking-water 205 9.4.3 Remedial measures 205 9.5 Radon 206 9.5.1 Radon in air and water 206 9.5.2 Risk 207...