Results Data analyses revealed that 6.19% of the study participants (n=286) engaged in low-level physical activity, 48.86%—in moderate-level activity, while high-level activity was reported in 44.94% of them. Compliance with pertinent WHO recommendations was higher in men aged 44–55 years, ...
Almost all adults in both groups (95% in the hemophilia group, 100% in the control group) reached the WHO minimum recommendation of 150 minutes (two hours, 30 minutes) of moderate to vigorous physical exercise a week. Over the 12 weeks, the recommendations were met for 5.1 weeks (42.9%)...
Letter Re: Physical activity and risk of breast cancer, colon cancer, diabetes, ischemic heart disease, and ischemic stroke events: systematic review and dose-response meta-analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2013
Today's Global Status report assesses country progress against those recommendations, and shows that much more needs to be done. One critical finding in the Global status report on physical activity is the existence of significant gaps in global data to track progress on important policy actions—s...
(81%) of adolescents 4 do not meet the recommendations for aerobic exercise, as outlined in the 2010 Global Recommendations on Physical Activity for Health, 2 there is an urgent need to increase priority and investment directed towards services to promote physical activity both within health and ...
There was sufficient evidence to support recommendations on limiting sedentary behaviours, which was not addressed in the 2010 WHO guidelines. However, there is still insufficient evidence available to fully describe the dose-response relationships between physical activity or sedentary behaviour and health...
The new guidelines provide the knowledge base for healthcare providers to advise patients on what they can do to help prevent cognitive decline and dementia. Specific recommendations to reduce the risk of dementia include regular physical activity, not smoking, healthy and balanced diet, avoiding haza... Skip to main content. Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health. Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health. Development of the Global Strategy. Childhood overweight and obesity. Global recommendations on physic...
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Based on data reported by 1.6 million 11 to 17-year-old students, more than 80 percent of school-going adolescents globally, including 85 percent of girls and 78 percent of boys, did not meet current recommendations of at least one hour of physical activity per day, according to the latest...