The nominees in the U.S. presidential election were John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, William Crawford, and Henry Clay. Andrew Jackson won the... Learn more about this topic: Corrupt Bargain of 1824 | Election, Events & Significance
After Adams won in 1824, he appointed another candidate, Henry Clay, as secretary of state. This led to Jackson's claim that Adams and Clay reached a “corrupt bargain” to keep him from becoming president. When Jackson ran again in 1828, his animosity toward Adams and the dam...
The first Black woman elected to the U.S. Senate, a feat she achieved in 1992, Carol Moseley Braun of Illinois ran for president as a Democrat in the 2004 presidential election. She lost the Democratic nomination to John Kerry. Cynthia McKinney Mario Tama/Getty Images Green Party presidential...
Who ran for the Republicans in the presidential election of 1940? Who ran in presidential election of 1968? Who ran for the Republicans in the presidential election of 1936? Who ran for the Republicans in the presidential election of 1944? Who ran for the Democrats in the presidential e...
Who ran in the presidential election of 1820? Who signed the Proclamation of 1763? Who was the governor of Upper Canada in 1837? Who passed the Quebec Act of 1774? Who all was involved in the Compromise of 1850? Who signed the 18th Amendment?
Year He Ran For Reelection: 2020 Opponent: Joe Biden What Happened: The presidential election of 2020 pitted long-time politician and former Vice President Joe Biden against incumbent Donald Trump. Trump's four years in office saw many “firsts” for the United States, including the...
soldier who ran into North Korea in July, is in U.S. custody after North Korea expelled him into China, U.S. officials said on Wednesday, following rare diplomatic cooperation between the U.S., North Korea and China. U.S. soldiers stationed in South Korea rar...
Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government has rejected the WHO estimate released on Thursday that 4.7 million people died in India as a result of the pandemic until last year, when hospitals ran out of oxygen and beds due to a record wave driven by the Delta variant...
On a much larger "what if" scale, Biafra ran for president with the Green Party in 2000, challenging Ralph Nader, who eventually became their candidate. And Nader went on to siphon votes from Al Gore in the general election, who was defeated by the narrowest of margins by George W. ...
Roosevelt ran as a third-party candidate in the 1912 election, drawing votes away from Taft; in the end, both were defeated by Woodrow Wilson. But that didn’t end the Ohioan’s life in the public arena. He went on to become chief justice of the United States in 1921, making him the...