Lenin returned to Russia in April 1917 after the czar had abdicated and the Soviet Revolution was underway. The country was being run by a provisional government, which Lenin termed “a dictatorship of thebourgeoisie.” He envisioned a “dictatorship of the proletariat,” in which workers and pe...
Long before the Big Ten had 14 teams and the Pac-8 had grown to the Pac-12, there were folks in college sports tossing around the idea of a national football conference. Back in the 1950s, Pittsburgh athletic director Tom Hamilton proposed Southern California, UCLA, Stanford, California...
which had yet to be born at that time: He was taking about the Northern Expedition under the command of Chiang Kai-shek as he crushed the warlord forces of northern China.
Even though he was the first to describe in detail capitalist production and the profit motive of business owners, it wasn'tAdam Smithwho coined the term "entrepreneur." One type of person strangely overlooked in Smith's free-market masterpiece, "The Wealth of Nations," is the entrepreneur. ...
Taking office in 2001, in the serene months before 9-11, George W. Bush proposed legislation to reduce interstate air pollution and also to regulate mercury emissions from power plants and oil refineries. Pundits were surprised W. did this, assuming he would be anti-environment. But W....
As part of the campaign to make Yosemite a national park, Muir published two landmark articles on wilderness preservation in The Century Magazine, "The Treasures of the Yosemite" and "Features of the Proposed Yosemite National Park"; this helped support the push for U.S. Congress to pass a...
proposed operations learn impossible henry file fair drink double created collection circumstances capacity begin aware affairs yesterday robert requirements produce prevent poems offered neck jewish interests houses fresh enter bank appears agreed youth trip train teacher subjects rock presented mentioned ...
Moore’s Law, as it applies to microchips, states that the number of transistors on a chip doubles roughly every two years while the price falls by half. Moore’s Law for Everything, as proposed by Altman, postulates “a world where, for decades, everything — housing, education, food,...