Like Justin Timberlake, Miley Cyrus can definitely be considered a "friend of the show": She's pulled double duty twice, hosted once before that in 2011, has been Musical Guest four times, and gave a killer performance of Paul Simon's "50 Ways to Leave Your Lover" on SNL's 40th anniv...
On accusationsHarry Potterpromotes Satanism:“A very famous writer once said, ‘A book is like a mirror. If a fool looks in, you can’t expect a genius to look out.’ People tend to find in books what they want to find. And I think my books are very moral. I know they have abso...
Once the adepts were ready, the guru, wearing an expensive-looking loin cloth and a sacred thread (Malayalam pu¯ n. u¯ l) across his bare chest, stepped out of the manor holding a garlanded jar. The sanctified water that was poured on the heads of the newly initiated adepts ...