The Secret Garden is a children's novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett, a British-American author who lived from 1849 to 1924. In 1989, the novel was adapted into a musical by the same name, written by Marsha Norman and Lucy Simon. The musical ran on Broadway in 1990 and won a Tony ...
Georgie Henley shot to fame when she portrayed Lucy Pevensie in the "Chronicles of Narnia" franchise. Born in Ilkley, England, she acted in various stage performances as a child, which led to her landing the role of Lucy in 2005. Like her co-star Skander Keynes, Henley put acting on pa...
Georgie Henley shot to fame when she portrayed Lucy Pevensie in the "Chronicles of Narnia" franchise. Born in Ilkley, England, she acted in various stage performances as a child, which led to her landing the role of Lucy in 2005. Like her co-star Skander Keynes, Henley put acting on pa...
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