Jim Beaver appears inSupernatural's very first season and plays a recurring role until his character Bobby Singer's demise in season seven, yet has made at least a guest appearance in every season since then. The show wouldn't be the same without him, and lucky for fans, he never got t...
Pellegrino later refined his talents by playing even more intriguing roles. He is known for starring as Lucifer in the long-running TV seriesSupernatural, Paul Bennett inDexter, and Jacob inLost. Whether stylish or sinister, Pellegrino knows when to turn on the charm and when to let the darkn...
Lucifer, too, is Promethean, championing humanity against an authoritarian and arbitrary God. The underlying philosophy is Manichaean, based on the belief that two equal and irreconcilable forces divide the rule of the universe: good (light, God, intellect) and evil (darkness, Satan, flesh). In...
“Law & Order: Special Victims Unit,”“Lucifer,”“Shooter,” and “Twin Peaks” (recurring role of “Anthony Sinclair”). Bruce Greenwood Sandy Smith Bruce Greenwood was most recently in Ryan Murphy’s award-winning series “American Crime Story: The People vs. OJ Simpson” playing District...
Take a look back at the stars whose light burned out in 2020, but still shines on in the legacies they've left behind.
Dawn in Sandy, Utah:Supernaturalscoop, please and thank you. We just chatted upSPNwriterBen Edlund, and he tells us that Lucifer will be more of a looming presence than one specific personage. (Sorry, Vancouver-based character actors!) Check back Thursday for lots moreSPNnews...