like Driver, playing this part younger = the description reads like a good guy’s sidekick. A source close to Star Wars Episode 7 News has told us that Gleeson’s character is supposed to be the grandchild of Obi-wan Kenobi as speculated for quite some time....
Simultaneously answering the questions “What if it had been Princess Leia rather than Luke Skywalker left on Tatooine?” and “What must it be like to work for the Empire?”, this newStar Warsmovie has newcomer Daisy Ridley as Rey, a scavenger on a desert planet waiting for her family to...
Third, IF “Uber” is Plagueis it makes perfect sense that he would again be controlling his puppets — in this case Adam Driver’s“Darth Revan”-looking character — pulling the strings from behind the curtain as he had been all along while Emperor Sheev Palpatine (a.k.a “Darth Sidious...
Some of the Storm Troopers capture Princess Leia and bring her to Jaba the Hutt and she says “Save me, Obi Wan Kenobi, you’re my only hope” and the close-up scene of her gold bikini has been worn out by virgins rewinding it so many times. Obi Wan hears her pleas somehow. So O...