Throughout Loki, there were hints that Kang would be making an appearance. And by the show's Season 1 finale, that proved to be true. While Majors never said the name "Kang," his character, referred to repeatedly as "He Who Remains," was revealed to be the person in the Citadel, wo...
Thecast ofLokiseason 2included several new characters who played important roles in the MCU’s timeline, but it also confirmed the existence of a character of great importance to one of the franchise’s most prominent heroes. After glimpsing a statue of Balder beside others depicting Thor and ...
Jonathan Majors debuted in the MCU as He Who Remains in Loki season 1's finale before appearing as Kang the Conqueror in Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania. Majors' villain has been set up as the primary antagonist of the MCU's Multiverse Saga, but this destiny was thrown into jeopardy ...
He Who Remains teased this version of himself in Loki season 1 by saying he's been called many things before, with "conqueror" among the titles he's had. There is also the possibility that Kang the Conqueror's MCU future will also include an appearance in Loki season 2, as he could b...