The drama school has played a major role in molding the careers of its alumni by providing them with exceptional training and opportunities to prepare for illustrious achievements in theater, film, and television. These Yale stars have excelled in their respective fields and elevated the craft to...
In terms of its minor characters, “The Big Lebowski” offers an embarrassment of riches, including none other than John Turturro’s pop culture phenomenon Jesus ‘the Jesus” Quintana, but the real supporting winner is Philip Seymour Hoffman’s Brandt, the Big Lebowski’s obsequious butle...
This begins Jeff's journey through the film. He sort of reminds me of another famous slacker named Jeff, "The Dude, or El Duderino if your not into the whole brevity thing" I'm talking about one of my all-time favorite movies "The Big Lebowski" Although this Jeff does have his own ...
Polito appeared as a rival mob boss in “Miller’s Crossing,” as a movie executive’s sad-sack underling in “Barton Fink,” a private eye in “The Big Lebowski,” and a dry cleaning entrepreneur in “The Man Who Wasn’t There” (pictured). Polito also starred as a Baltimore detectiv...
She played the first female president of the United States in the ‘80s sitcom “Hail to the Chief,” while also taking on the role of president of the Screen Actors Guild from 1985-1988. Later in life, Duke opened up about her struggle against bipolar disorder, writing in her memoir, ...
The movie is a couple months from official release, but let's say up front that I can't see us spoiling this film. Doc Sportello, a private dick played through a cloud of chronic by Joaquin Phoenix, is on the hunt first for the billionaire beau of his suntanned ex-girlfriend Shasta,...