one of the biggest TV shows of the 1970s, set in the American Midwest of the 1950s. LikeThe Andy Griffith Show, Happy Daysalso originated from a backdoor pilot that aired as part of the anthology comedy seriesLove, American Style. The segment, “Love and the Television Set,” was an...
Showing up to 8th grade and not having any fucking clue who this problematic “Jen” was that everyone was talking about was my Vietnam. Did no one catch that hilarious debacle Richie Cunningham got into last night? Good luck that the Fonz was there, am I right? No one? This damn cric...
You’re Andrea Naschak, who played Sabra in Hold Me Thrill Me Kiss Me! Alright, ok… first please share the story of how you landed the role. Andrea: Ha! It was an off beat way to get a read to say the least! Joel Hershman and Travis Swords caught sight of a porn performance ...
US sitcom Happy Days was supposed to be about Richie Cunningham and his family. But Ron Howard's naive schoolboy charm was eclipsed by his buddy Arthur Fonzarelli, aka The Fonz. Ladies man and all-round – dare we say definitive – cool guy, Fonzie quickly became the focal point for the...
44. And lastly, Chuck Cunningham, the oldest child from Happy Days (played by Gavan O'Herlihy and Randolph Roberts): Paramount Television —nprfan1 What other TV characters randomly disappeared? Let us know in the comments! Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity...