Popeye was a one-eyed, 34-year-old (born in a typhoon in Santa Monica, California), semi-deformed-looking sailor with a severe speech impediment. Who was the baby in Popeye movie? Wesley Ivan Hurt(born March 5, 1979) is a former child actor who played the role of infant Swee'Pea in...
Café Lolais on Coolidge in the Oil Center, across from Lafayette General, on the back side of Champagne’s Supermarket. At the time of this posting, a bowl of soup and half a sandwich will set you back less than $7, so it's an affordable lunch. A delicious, affordable lunch.Take a...
Today, full-service gas stations have largely gone the way of drive-in movie theatres and travel agents: While they're not entirely gone, pumping your own gas is certainly a more common practice. The slowdeath of full-service gas stationsbegan in 1947 when Los Angeles gas station...