Marvel getting Jake Gyllenhaal to play Mysterio inSpider-Man: Far From Homewas a surprising choice. When the movie was released, it made sense that the MCU had gone for such a high-profile actor to play a villain who has been the butt of many jokes in the comics.Mysterio is crucial to...
There's also comic book precedent for Miles running into an older Peter from another universe. The pair first met in the 2012Spider-Men miniseries, which sees them taking onMysterio. Miles' parents, Rio Morales (Luna Lauren Velez) and Jefferson Davis (Brian Tyree Henry),...
Mysterio's involvement in No Way Home could have seen Spider-Man go toe-to-toe with the MCU's Sinister Six, and many found his absence from the project unusual, though Mysterio had a large part in the events of No Way Home by revealing Peter Parker's identity to the world. With a n...
The Simpsonshas killed off many characters over the years, and the show's 34th season just bid farewell to someone who has been part of the series since its first episode premiered in 1989. The latest instalment, titled "Cremains of the Day," sees Larry Dalrympl...
Disney+'s remake of Lilo & Stitch has cast Nani, Lilo's older sister, but many of you might be disappointed to learn she won't be played by an actress who has long been a fan-favourite choice for the role!
(不特别胖,也不特别瘦),在没有触摸其骨骼和肌肉时,容易被浓密的被毛所欺 分享10赞 杰克吉伦哈尔吧 lelingxian 【J消息】杰克·吉伦哈尔拉开神秘客的帷幕 Jake Gyllenhaal Pulls Back The Curtain On Mysterio杰克·吉伦哈尔拉开神秘客的帷幕 23 JULY, 2019 AUTHOR: STEPHANIE CATAGORIES: INTERVIEWS, SPIDER-MAN: ...
Peter Parker is one of the smartest characters in Marvel, though this is often played down in the MCU. Nevertheless, Spider-Man does boast a considerable intellect. However, he made a poor decision inSpider-Man: Far From Home, when he gave Quentin Beck aka MysterioTony Stark's E.D.I.T...