The Major Role: Sofia Coppola didn't ask for the role of Michael Corleone's teenage daughter in her father's movie The Godfather Part III. Francis Ford Coppola had already cast Winona Ryder for the part. However, the rising star had to suddenly drop out after falling i...
survivors like nicol have now been ensnared in a partisan minefield, many of them inadvertently. she and the 33 other plaintiffs in her class-action lawsuit are being represented by michael bowe, former counsel to donald trump, who also represented a disgraced jerry falwell jr. in his recent ...
(less wisely; Han making the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs is justCannonball Runin space), and Michael Corleone (very unwisely; while Marlon Brando may have—understandably—threatened to walk if Reynolds were hired, Reynolds had actually once been rejected for a part for looking too ...
Jack Nicholson diclined the role of Don Michael Corleone in The Godfather (1972) trilogy. Years later he explained why he turned down the role: "I knew 'The Godfather (1972)' was going to be a great film, but at that time I believed Indians should play roles written for Indians and ...
" said Nicholson. "Mario Puzo had written such a great book that if you go back to it, you'll see so much of what was special about the movie. There were a lot of actors who could have played Michael, myself included, but Al Pacino was Michael Corleone. I can't think of a ...
"Al Pacino's Michael Corleone is a mostly cool-headed and decisive leader who rarely lets emotions get the better of him and when he does, you understand the power of the scene because of it. Al Pacino in 90% of his other roles tends to be hot-headed and/or over the top screaming ...
Few performances in major movies have received harsher reactions than Sofia Coppola’s turn as Michael Corleone’s daughter Mary inThe Godfather Part III.I am not going to tell you that this performance was some misunderstood work of genius — but Iwilltell you the younger Coppola was never supp...
Coming back toThe Godfatheruniverse,Al Pacinoplayed Brando's son and eventual successor in the trilogy. Along with this character of Michael Corleone, Pacino has established himself as one of the greatest artists of the gangster genre, as well as winning acclaim for other gritty characters. Pacino...
to be inStar Wars.“I just didn’t want to play that kind of role at the time,” he toldBusiness Insiderin 2016. “Now I regret it. I wish I would have done it.” Reynolds has a habit of turning down other high-profile roles, including Michael Corleone inThe Godfatherand James Bond...
Earlier this week, members donned pins likening her to “the godfather” Don Corleone. What went unsaid in Pelosi’s speech, however, was the powerful behind-the-scenes role the Californian played in the sudden shift atop the party’s ticket. Pelosi was one of the key figures who p...