In a Season 8 episode titled, "The Money," Silverman played Emily, Kramer's girlfriend, who Kramer has trouble sleeping with because of her "jimmy legs." Silverman would go on to have her own extremely successful stand-up career, write a best-...
Seinfeldwas a landmark of ’90s television, becoming one of the most iconic sitcoms in history. The show followed Jerry Seinfeld and the lives of his three closest friends, George, Kramer, and Elaine. Julia Louis-Dreyfus, who had previously worked as part of the cast ofSaturday Night Live,...
OK, TRIVIA fans: What do the Empire State Building, Broadway, the Statue of Liberty and Kenny Kramer have in common?John J. GoldmanLos Angeles Times
it also elevated the careers of the supporting cast who played Seinfeld's friends: Julia Louis-Dryfus as Elaine Benes,Michael Richards as Kramer, and Jason Alexander as George Constanza. In each case, it's almost impossible to imagine anyone else in these...
neighbor of Rachel and Monica. He also played a remarkableSeinfeldrole in season 4 as Tom Pepper, the actor who plays Cosmo Kramer in the pilot of Jerry and George’s NBC sitcomJerry. Away from these roles Hankin is probably best known for his role as Charley Buttz inEscape from Alcatra...
In February of 1995, things took a bizarre turn. Just after having made what some believe was a monumental discovery - a math formula "for transmissions at 'faster than light' speed" - Taylor Kramer left his home to pick up a business associate at LAX. He never arrived. Kramer's final...
The ex-Marine charged with killing “American Sniper” Chris Kyle and another man got ideas on how to act mentally ill from an episode of Seinfeld in which Kramer thought he saw a "pig man,” a psychologist testified Friday.
“I finally got out of the hospital, and I came home to recuperate, but I wasn't allowed to get out of bed yet. I was, as they say, bedridden," theSeinfeldalum noted. “[My mom, Judith Bowles], made this incredible cozy chili in a cast iron skillet with cornbread on top in the...
Larry Kramer, 84. The playwright whose angry voice and pen raised theatergoers’ consciousness about AIDS and roused thousands to militant protests in the early years of the epidemic. May 27. Pneumonia. Christo, 84. He was known for massive, ephemeral public arts projects that often involved wr...
Cosmo Kramer Fictional Character 8 votes Also ranks #1 onTV Characters Who Would Make Horrible Roommates Also ranks #2 onThe Best Seinfeld Characters Also ranks #3 on10 Fictional Characters Who Are Way Richer Than You Think (And 3 Who Are Poorer) ...