13Don Johnson in Miami Vice (1984-1989) NBC Series creator Michael Mann would come back to adopt hisMiami Viceas a feature film, but it's nothing compared to the charm of the show. The series follows two undercover detectives,Don Johnson's James "Sonny" Crockett and Philip Michael Thomas...
He played college football at Baylor, and was signed as an unrestricted free agent by the AFL's Iowa Barnstormers in 2000. Bryant is best known for his 10 seasons with the Atlanta Falcons of the National Football League (NFL), with whom he made a Pro Bowl. He has also been a member...
Communications), in association with Hunter-Cohan Productions and Columbia Pictures Television, the series starred Tony Danza as a retired major league baseball player who relocates to Fairfield, Connecticut to work as a live-in housekeeper for a divorced advertising executive, played by Judith Light...
3.Colin Farrell played Crockett inMiami Vice, and he made it very clear that he was actually disappointed with the movie. "Miami Vice? I didn't like it so much," hesaidin 2010. 4.Kelly Clarkson played Kelly Taylor inFrom Justin to Kelly —which became known as a"disaster"and"one of...
As one delves into the annals of Michigan university alumni, it becomes clear that they have played an integral role in shaping the world around them, setting the stage for continued success and innovation. The top alumni from the University of Michigan stand as a testament to the ...