Ulrich made his official screen debut in anthology "CBS Schoolbreak Special" (CBS, 1980-1996) before landing major roles in two classic teen horrors, firstly ill-fated love interest Chris Hooker in supernatural tale "The Craft" (1996) and then masked serial killer Bi...
Saints GM Mickey Loomis Entered 2021 Offseason Needing To Shave Around $90 Million Off the Saints Salary Cap General manager Mickey Loomis has been busy, restructuring a plethora of contracts with players currently on the roster, and had to release a large number of key players. Jared Cook Pho...
Ellie Goulding. Goulding played the festival in 2014, but in the interim she’s ascended to become one of future pop’s brightest stars. The singer is embarking on a 2016 American tour, the Coachella dates are open and she’s performing in the Southwest throughout April....
Samuel Loomis (Donald Pleasence) shot him several times, causing him to fall off a balcony. Winburn did stunt work for over 70 films, including Escape From New York, TRON, The Night Stalker, and Glory. He also starred in shows and movies, such as Charlie Chan and the Curse of the ...
Absolutely. But interesting, nonetheless.) In this ending, Laurie would remain responsible for the children, perhaps running out with them to get help, while I’d give Lynda Dr. Loomis’s role of shooting Michael off the balcony in the first place. (Dr. Loomis would still be there, of ...
billy bears beard auto assist arlene appreciate al aesthetic acquired yours yeah woods wildly wally vivid viewed vein vague transformed tractor torn tooth toll tim tilghman tie thrust swing succession subtle stern stadium sitter shelters scarcely sba saddle ruling rocks ritual responsibilities regiment ...
We recently took alookat aRedditthread that asked, "What film role was 100% perfectly cast?" and those perfect answers inspired even more great responses from our very ownBuzzFeed Community! So here are — zero argument — some more of the greatest casting decisions ever made: ...
He played him to perfection. Sorry, Joaquin, but Heath will always be my favorite Joker." —RonSwansonn 7. Skeet Ulrich as Billy Loomis in Scream (1996) Dimension Films "He was perfect. He somehow managed to be totally creepy and yet so sexy at the same time, which is exactly...
17. Skeet Ulrich played Billy Loomis in Scream in 1996 and then played F.P. Jones on Riverdale starting in 2017. Dimension Films / Courtesy Everett Collection, / © CW Network / Courtesy Everett Collection 18. Jennie Garth and Shannen Doherty played teens on the original Beverly Hills, 90...